Saturday, March 21, 2009

So at Kyrios yesterday, we had Bible study. And we were talking about the Holy Spirit.

I guess out of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit has always been the hardest one to understand for me. Maybe it's because we (in all honesty) don't discuss Him as often as we do the Father and the Son. Why is that?

I still sort of struggle withe concept of the Holy Spirit. He's supposed to be a person, but what exactly does that mean? How does He manifest Himself in us and around us? I mean, I'm sure a lot of us have felt the presence of the Spirit before, but just sort of FEEL and ACKNOWLEDGE without really KNOWING.

When I was younger - around 13 or so, there was a time when I was really in tune with God. And during this time, I discovered that the Holy Spirit residing inside me had a personality.

Sounds kind of crazy, doesn't it?

But it's true. I could honestly see a personality. It was kind of surreal, and kind of cool. But more than that, it felt intimate - like He was a good friend of mine.

I really want to be able to recapture that sort of closeness with God. I admit that I've definitely strayed a long way from Him within the past 2 years - more so than ever before. But at the same time, I've matured a lot as a person these past two years and now I really have a clear idea of what I want in life - and that is to serve God.

This is my dream: to be able to serve God by working in missions with a medical focus. It would be amazing for me to be able to work in China, spreading the Word to "my" people or just living out a life of God's love there.

Of course, I still have a long way to go. Schooling aside, I need to grow in Christ a lot more. I need to know more so that I can answer questions as they come. But I'm not going to worry too much about that - I'll do my best and let God do the rest.


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