Friday, June 24, 2011

all i have to give

Today I learned something about God. Like, legitly learned, not just told-by-someone-I-should-listen-to. God won't ask (from me) more than what I can give. Three Biblical examples of this principle can be found in the stories of Moses, Joseph, and Daniel.

I like Daniel's story the best. As a young Jewish captive in Babylon he was given the opportunity to eat good (but unclean) food. He chose to honor God by refusing. This was a PHYSICAL WAY that God required obedience in and that Daniel chose to follow. As a young adult he chose to protect his time with God and pray 3 times a day, even though doing so would cause scorn and suspicion from his peers and colleagues. This was a SOCIAL/RELATED TO SELF-ESTEEM AREA that God wanted him to submit in. Lastly, when Daniel was essentially asked to deny God or risk being thrown into a den of lions, he chose to honor God. In doing so, Daniel gave his LIFE to God.

In each way that God demanded obedience from Daniel, we can see that it was a progressive journey - God didn't demand everything from him all at once. God allowed Daniel to grow as a person and also in his knowledge and trust in God before asking for more. Isn't that incredibly wonderful and comforting to know?

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